Check-in: "Do you enjoy sexy time?" Having a lack of desire, fear, or shame in expressing your desires creates anxiety, repression, and depression. Growing up I received mixed messages about sexual health. I learned early about my body and had an appreciation for it, but still, there was this shame, this fear of exploring and empowering my comfort and desires. I knew well how to please my man, and even what I liked but wasn’t able to openly express and experience it freely. Over and over I find my sex drive on a tangent whether it’s from increased stress, my husband’s stress, now having a son who is always around, hormones imbalanced so I’m either not exactly in the mood, or worse; I shame myself for even having sexual desires because of the current circumstances. After having my son, I’ve gone through tremendous body changes, hormonal imbalances, and other experiences that have all impacted my self-esteem. I used to be energized and ready to go jump on it in a heartbeat, wit...