Did you know that the health of your gut could be influencing your overall well-being? Ever wonder why you don’t get the same results as someone else you may know who has tried some fad diet or gym workout promising results? Exercise, healthcare, diets, and life, in general, are not one-size-fits-all, and frankly what works for someone else may not work for you… and guess what, that’s attributed to your uniqueness! We all have our very own unique microbiome, aka your bowel/gut community of microbes, or microorganisms that exist and carry out major functions within you to make you the unique individual that you are! We are built by our biome communities including the gut microbiome, but there's also our oral microbiome, which influences our digestive process starting in the mouth, and our skin microbiome which is our first line of defense resisting on the largest organ of the body... our skin. In my free Gut Health webinar , I provide a more detailed bu...
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